Research Project DTOC


One of the most challenging tasks for wind farm developers is the optimisation of offshore wind power plants. Large offshore wind farms and wind farm clusters, such as those in the German Bight or on the Dogger bank, change the wind climate itself and make this optimisation task even more demanding. During the process of wind farm optimisation, hundreds of variations are considered and need to be managed, documented and benchmarked.


The EU-sponsored research project DTOC (Design Tools for Offshore Wind Farm Cluster), was aimed at developing a software which supports this challenging work with the seamlessly integrated modelling of wind climate, large scale and localized wind farm effects, electrical loss calculations and derivation of economic key figures.


Offshore Wind Farm Software

This Wind & Economy offshore wind farm optimisation software combines several optimized modules from the 22 DTOC Consortium members in the areas of research, software development, strategic planners and wind farm project developers.

Wind & Economy


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Website Wind & Economy

Website DTOC